Home Somehow

All my life, I’ve been ambitious, somewhat of a daredevil and without a doubt adventurous. All of these traits of mine were definitely showing up when I was in the process of applying to colleges. All 15 colleges I applied to were out-of-state, middle-of-nowhere schools that most of them I'd never heard of before. This was extremely shocking to all my friends back home & it honestly shocked me too. 

I was barefoot, blonde-headed, and probably wearing a bikini. My fun was bridge jumping, beach hopping, skating, and anything that involved the ocean. The California coast was all I’ve ever known and it's almost embarrassing how I am the epitome of a California girl. But I liked the idea of being somewhere new. I could never explain how bittersweet moving away from home was. It was the coolest and scariest thing I’ve ever done. But it's one of my proudest accomplishments and I would not change it for the world. 

Georgia Southern was the very last school I toured and as soon as I stepped foot onto campus I knew that it would be home for the next 4 years. I think it's the coolest place ever. This school is without a doubt one of my biggest blessings. I have met my very best friends, the kind I prayed for. I have the honor to be a part of Alpha Delta Pi, which is something I hold very close to my heart. This sorority and the girls in it push me to be the best version of myself. It isn't so bad being 2,000 miles away from my family when these girls have stepped in and made me feel at home. I couldn't ever express how much they mean to me. They are sunshine. 

I have fallen in love with this place. The southern hospitality here is unlike any other. There are hundreds of fields to run through and I have come to love the beauty of greenery rather than the ocean. Everyone has a funny accent and greets you with a big hug. Saturdays are my new favorite day of the week, well because it's a saturday in the south. I could go on and on. I’ve always believed that God works in funny ways. & for me, the funniest thing He ever did was lead me to Georgia Southern and Alpha Delta Pi – my home somehow!! 

A Letter To All PNMs

Dear PNMs,

I cannot believe that we are only 1 sleep away from finally meeting each other, it feels like Christmas Eve and I can’t wait!! I know you all are feeling all of the emotions right now from transitioning from home to college, living completely on your own for the last couple of days, to getting ready to go through sorority recruitment for the first time but trust me when I say that everything will be perfectly fine! As you navigate this next week my advice to you is this,

Before you ever decided what college you were going to and before you decided that you were going to join a sorority you were designed as a “one of a kind” girl who is strong and who is loved. These are things that can never be taken away from you no matter what the outcome is and no matter what house you choose to run home to. With this being said try and be your truest self throughout every conversation we are here to get to know you and want to see the real you!!

Soak it all in!! Right now you are beginning the best 4 years of your life and trust me as a senior, it goes by way too quickly. I would do anything to turn back time and be a PNM again!! So do it all, go talk with your neighbors, become friends with your pi chi group, laugh as much as you can, and truly enjoy the process because you only get to be a freshman once!!

My last little piece of advice is to not be nervous! I know this is hard but just take a deep breath and know there are 700 girls right beside you all feeling the same emotions! I’ll also let you know a little secret, every girl on the other side of the door is just as nervous! So let's all just take a deep breath and know that everything happens for a reason and let us all just have so much fun this week!!

I am rooting for each and every one of y’all and cannot wait to see all 706 of your sweet faces tomorrow!! Love you all already!!

Morgan Kirkendoll

‘AC 21 Director of Primary Recruitment

The House That Love Built

If I could encourage anyone to take away one thing from their time at Georgia Southern, it would be to explore to find something greater than yourself. During the Fall of 2022, I was overwhelmed with all the emotions that came along with leaving for college. Moving away from home, meeting all new people, and deciding to go through formal recruitment was truly the most exciting and nerve-wracking time of my life. Moving from Florida to Statesboro, GA I knew hardly anyone coming to early move in for recruitment, yet I still was filled with excitement for the experiences I knew I would soon have, and the unknown to come.

Recruitment was going well during Icebreakers round, but nothing could have prepared me for the Philanthropy round at ADPI. I had no idea what the Lord had in store for me until the moment they pulled down a projector, and a video showcasing the Ronald McDonald House Charity started playing. The emotions I felt when this occurred showed me that I had finally found my home. Growing up, I never knew where I’d fit in. My life has certainly been unique, as I have been battling an ongoing medical condition from birth. From simply looking at me, you would never notice anything wrong, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t normal internally. I felt as though I had to keep all of my problems to myself, since nobody knew I had them unless I told them. In the first grade, I started going to the RMHC in Cincinnati. This gave me a sense of belonging, as I met kids exactly like me for the first time ever. I quickly learned that the adversity I faced was something I was not going through alone, and that I did belong somewhere. The Ronald McDonald House is more than just a place for families to stay when their children are receiving medical treatment. It is a place that can make kids feel as though they are not alone. In the Ronald McDonald House, I never feel the need to hide my condition, I feel comfortable and proud to show kids that there are others in the world exactly like them. The moment the RMHC video started playing, I knew I had found my something greater. Growing up, I never knew if I would have a purpose to pursue, as I had a permanent condition that left me unsure about my future. ADPI led me to a realization that I never had before: every second of my life was handmade for a reason.

I will forever be in debt to ADPI, as it opened my eyes to what I was once blinded by. Being in ADPI offers support from women who come together to help a greater cause, which happens to be the organization that has made my life what it is today. As a chapter, we are given the amazing opportunity to provide meals and raise money for the Ronald McDonald House. From my personal experiences, I have been given the opportunity to see how these selfless acts from Alpha Delta Pi impact and assist thousands of families across the country. Gifting families’ support and creating an environment that allows children to feel normal is truly a blessing from the Lord, as I would not be in the position I am today without it. Epsilon Pi has shown me how God plans your life in unknown ways, but it is ultimately for a greater reason. If you would have told me as a child the things I have accomplished and experienced now, I wouldn’t believe it. God gave me an opportunity through ADPI to find something greater than myself, and for that, I am forever grateful.

With Love, Emily Popp AC ‘22

Finding Yourself, Your People, and Your Purpose

As I reflect on the past four years of my life, I am profoundly grateful for the impact Alpha Delta Pi has had on my life. Leaving my small hometown, and moving somewhere I did not know a single soul, I had no idea what I was exactly looking for or what I was even doing to be quite honest… but I found so many missing pieces of myself in 112.

You hear about sororities being a home away from home, and all of the cheesy phrasings… but there just isn’t another place in this world where you can rely on 200+ women to have your back and encourage you in this crazy season of life. I found who I was called to lead within this group of women. I found a genuine feeling of sisterhood within this group of women. And above all, I found the love of Jesus within this group of women.

I think it is important to know that it is not easy. No matter how social media portrays it, I struggled a lot when I first moved and continually tried to find that perfect balance between college and myself. It nearly felt impossible. Without Alpha Delta Pi, I can truly say I would not be the person I am today. This organization embraces me even through a time of struggle and continues to reward me daily. The way I have been accepted and loved by my sisters in ADPi has shown me time and time again how Jesus accepts and loves us.

I have been honored to be a part of something bigger than myself, and I am forever indebted to this sorority for all it has given to me

With love, Kaylor Cumbee AC ‘21

The House That Built Me

Three years ago during my rush process, I lined up on the stairs of 112 Olympic Blvd not knowing what the Lord had in store for me. A few days later I ran home alongside PC ‘21 and have never looked back! 

I’m going on year two of not only having the privilege of living in the ADPI house but also taking care of it! I am blessed to be able to serve on exec as the Director of Facility Management which means I take care of 112 and all the house girls who live there. Through this position, I have gotten to help with the behind-the-scenes of everything regarding the house and even help make decisions alongside advisors on updates to the property! I never could have imagined how this house has truly become my home away from home and I hope that every girl who walks through the big front door experiences that feeling!

To give you an inside look at what living in the house is like, you will find our house girls and their friends spread out all over the house, cooking dinner together in the kitchen while debriefing their day, doing homework together in the sunroom, movie marathons in the living room, and late night sweet treat runs to Parker’s. Another amazing aspect of ADPI is the location of the house on Greek Row where you're surrounded by so many wonderful sororities!

Getting to live with 11 other girls is a one-of-a-kind experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life! It has provided me with amazing friendships, unforgettable memories, and endless laughter. My favorite part of living in ADPI has to be always coming home to a house full of girls to talk to about anything and everything. The house has given me the opportunity to connect with so many sisters as they pass through each day for different things. 

I will leave with the best piece of advice I received and that is to get involved! By getting involved in ADPI my college experience has been something I could have never dreamed of! 

With love, Maddie Gamblin PC ‘21

Greek Summit 2024 with Nan Mullis

There is something so special about Greek Life, the beach, and quality time with people who love Jesus. Greek Summit was a trip that wrapped all of that plus more into one unforgettable two weeks. I had the opportunity to travel to Destin, Florida with eight of my ADPi sisters, other Georgia Southern students, and Greek students from all over the south and experience Greek Summit. This was a trip to grow our relationships with the Lord, find community with other Greek believers, and learn how to bring Jesus back with us to our campus and sororities.

Every day of Greek Summit was a new adventure, but they all led us back to the feet of Jesus. Most every morning, we met at a local church to hear an amazing message and engage in powerful worship. Then, we were given an hour of quiet time to sit with the Lord individually praying, getting in the word, journaling, etc. This was one of my favorite parts! Then, we split into small groups with students from other schools and amazing staff members to dive deeper into the day's topic. Some of my favorite topics were the Holy Spirit, prayer life, and the importance of international missions. The afternoons were full of discipleship, games, and fun plans like putt-putt, trips to Seaside, and “Flip Flop Formal.” All just reminders that walking with Jesus and living in a Godly community is FUN! However, I think the best memory I have of Greek Summit was getting to evangelize on the beach. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but this reminded me that people everywhere and all around us are in dire need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Karmin Clark (AC ‘23) and I spent two hours walking down the beach talking to people about Jesus. We made genuine connections with total strangers and were able to pray over their lives. God’s intentional and on-time hand was so evident in these conversations. Something else I will carry with me forever from this trip is the new bonds I created with my Epsilon Pi sisters. We grew so close in such a short time, and I know they will be there for me as Godly friends when we get back to Statesboro. I love them all so much! I will always be grateful that I was able to experience Greek Summit!

Most peoples’ immediate thought when Greek Life comes to mind probably isn’t Jesus. I love the Lord, and I want everyone I come in contact with to experience the love and redemption that I have found in Christ for themselves. This past year, I have really wanted and prayed this for my sorority sisters. Sometimes this prayer of spreading light and truth can feel intimidating and almost hopeless, especially on Greek Row. I had no idea how sweetly and clearly God would answer this prayer at Greek Summit. I watched brothers and sisters from all over experience Jesus’ love and redemption for the first time. I had raw discussions and shared testimonies with girls who experience the same struggles and hopes as me. I learned ways to keep my passion for the Lord burning, ways to be a friend to my sisters how Jesus would, and how to step out in boldness and urgency when it comes to spreading God’s Word. But I think most importantly- I was reminded that I am His daughter and that is my number one identity. And so are all of you! God whispered this on my heart in a moment of wondering if I was “good enough” or “equipped enough” to be a vessel for Him. I am not perfect, and I don’t have to be, because Jesus is! He so freely gives to me, so my purpose in life is to give my all to Him. I have found more joy, love, and contentment in following the Lord than I could imagine. Every day I get the unique experience of being in a community with over 200 sisters, and Greek Summit pushed me to not let one opportunity to share Jesus go by. 

“I have come that they may have life, and life to the full.” John 10:10

With Love, Nan Mullis PC ‘22

Sister Spotlight: Megan Wright - Miss Georgia Southern

We are so proud of our sister, Miss Megan Wright, for competing and placing as one of the five finalists in the Miss Georgia Scholarship Competition! Megan embodies the spirit of sisterhood and is a dedicated member of Alpha Delta Pi. To know her is to love her, and we are so happy to have been able to cheer her on through this journey.

With love, Epsilon Pi Chapter

“Looking back on the whirlwind of these past few weeks, I’m filled with so much gratitude it’s hard to put into words. My heart is brimming with thankfulness, especially when it comes to my Alpha Delta Pi sisters.

They say college is where you find your lifelong friends, but I found so much more. I found a family in Alpha Delta Pi. These incredible women have been my rock, my cheer squad, and my guiding light. Every step I took towards the Miss Georgia stage, they were right there with me—in spirit and in love. I knew with certainty that every moment with my sisters has been a building block in the foundation of who I am today.

When I decided to compete for Miss Georgia, it was a dream that seemed so big, but my sisters never let me doubt my own abilities. They were the ones who helped me practice my walk, who listened to me rehearse my talent piece over and over, and who never stopped believing in me.

Alpha Delta Pi didn’t just prepare me for a pageant; it prepared me for life. The leadership skills, the emphasis on academics, the commitment to service—these are the tools that have shaped me into a confident, driven, and compassionate individual.

As I stood there on the Miss Georgia stage, I knew I had an entire sisterhood with me. Placing as the 4th runner-up was an honor, but the real prize has been the skill sets and confidence my sisters in Alpha Delta Pi have instilled in me.

To my sisters, I want to say thank you. Thank you for the endless support, for the genuine care, and for the memories that will last a lifetime. I am so proud to wear our letters, to represent what we stand for, and to be part of a legacy that is so much bigger than myself.

Alpha Delta Pi has been my home, my safe place, and the sole reason for my achievements. It’s been an honor to represent not just myself, but all of us at the Miss Georgia Competition. I am a true believer that you are who you surround yourself with, and I am so grateful that I got to bring small pieces of all of you not only to Miss Georgia but to everything I do. Here’s to the bonds that never break, to the sisterhood that always gives, and to a future where we continue to lift each other up to new heights. I love you, Epsilon Pi.

With all the love in my heart, Megan Wright

A House Turned Into a Home

My name is Skylar Beck and I am so excited to share with you my “Why Adpi”. I had first toured the school & loved everything about it, so I decided to attend in the fall. During my tour, my family also suggested that we tour Greek Row. Long story short, we went down row looking at each of the houses and stopped at “the pretty white house” to ooo and ahh over for a good 10 minutes before heading back home. Little did I know, a few months later I would be running to that house on bid day and that would soon be one of the best days of my life. Now, we need to back up a little to recruitment week. I went into rush essentially knowing nothing, which is crazy to think. This was mainly because no one in my family was in Greek life & only a handful of people from my hometown of Peachtree City went to Southern, so this left me with a completely open mind. As the week started, I just felt uncertain of where I would end up and what God’s plan for me really was with this.

I spent the whole week praying the same prayer over and over again, just asking Him to lead me where He wants me and that I know His plan is greater than mine. After a few rounds of rush went by, I finally met Taylor Thompson. She was like a breath of fresh air and I felt like she was a friend that I had known for a few years, not just a few minutes. Miss Taylor is obviously beautiful, but it wasn't her physical appearance that was the most beautiful thing about her, but rather how on fire her heart was for Him. You could see His love through her smile and laugh. She was so passionate and got so excited when I brought up my faith and how important it is to me. It was so refreshing to just talk about Him and not about my hometown, what sports I played, or where I went to high school. I was able to feel stress being lifted off my shoulders for the first time the whole week. This was when I knew that He was telling me that this is where I belong.

Soon enough, bid day came around and let’s just say it was better than any birthday party or celebration that you have ever been to. Oh, also the theme for bid day was “Fly Delta” and my dad is a pilot for Delta. Crazy, right? It could not have been the biggest sign ever that I was led to the right place. Throughout my first year as a member of Alpha Delta Pi, I have met the sweetest lifelong friends that I could have never imagined. My faith is something that is really important to me and I’m so grateful to have sisters that encourage me to dive deeper into it every day. I am so proud to call each and every girl in this chapter my sister. It is overwhelming to think of all of the love and support I have had just this year. I prayed for friends like this my entire life and now I finally have them. These girls are not just my sisters, but my future bridesmaids & friends for life. It’s funny to think that the “pretty white house” that I was looking at out of my car window is no longer just a house, but my forever home. 

- Skylar Beck AC’23

Unexpected Blessings

Sometimes, life has a way of surprising us with unexpected blessings that touch our hearts in profound ways. It could be a kind word from a stranger on a tough day, a serendipitous encounter that sparks a new friendship, or a sudden turn of events that leads us down a path we never imagined. These blessings remind us of the beauty in life's unpredictability, offering moments of grace and gratitude amidst the chaos. They serve as gentle reminders to cherish the little joys and to always keep our hearts open to the miracles that can unfold when we least expect them.

Everyone knows the feeling of leaving home for the first time. There's a sense of bittersweet anticipation as you pack your belongings, each item a memory carefully tucked away, a piece of the comfort and security that home has always provided. As I prepared to start my new chapter, I had to face one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, leave all my family and friends. Feelings of sadness for saying goodbye raced through my mind but also excitement for new adventures and the chance to make fresh memories.

Deciding to come to Georgia Southern I had always planned on participating in sorority recruitment. The sorority recruitment process is a whirlwind of emotions. Each house holds the promise of sisterhood, of finding a community that feels like home. Being in a new town, without any of my best friends from home by my side to endure it with me was intimidating. I felt so alone. The anxiety and fear that I felt in these moments were indescribable. I was in over my head. It hit me that I was about to make the first big decision in my life,  truly on my own, without any guidance. I was clueless, scared, and anxious. All until I stepped into Alpha Delta Pi. 

From the moment I walked through the doors of Alpha Delta Pi, I felt all the worry and anxiety I had been feeling be taken away. It was a place where I instantly felt a connection. During recruitment, I could feel the sisterhood that was in the room. Each girl had a genuine love for each other. I knew ADPi was the place for me. But I never could have expected the blessings it would bring me. 

In my short time as a member of Epsilon Pi I have learned a few things. Epsilon Pi is filled with girls with hearts that are on fire for Jesus, and it shows. It’s a place where each girl wants the best for one another. A gorgeous place that is where laughter, genuine love,  constant encouragement, and unforgettable memories, are so present, that you can’t help but feel it whenever you are inside. Each member has the same morals and values in life. While simultaneously, each member has a unique and beautiful heart. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences getting to know each one and seeing how all of our different strengths come together to create a chapter with such an uplifting spirit. 

 “An ADPi is not something you become, it is something you have always been” The scared and anxious girl I was a year ago had no idea the characteristics of an ADPi woman that was within her. The fear and sadness I had for leaving my home have quickly been replaced by the happiness that I have found here. I have friends who have become sisters to me overnight. A whole new community of people who love me fiercely. A support system that never fails to encourage me on my bad days and that is always there to cheer for me on my good days. I have a place that is my reminder of home on days that I miss it a little bit more than others. God’s plan for the new chapter of my life was evident with Alpha Delta Pi. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself a year ago not to worry about how scary it is to leave your family and friends and experience something alone for the first time. God had a way of placing me exactly where I needed to be. The big white house at the end of row is the most amazing unexpected blessing the Lord has ever given me. I am forever indebted to you, Epsilon Pi.
Love, Allie Boatwright PC 23

Advisor Appreciation!

Mrs. Jennifer has been nothing short of a blessing for me but also for this chapter! I am so thankful to have her as an advisor. She is a constant that I need in my position and she always knows what to say and when to say it. Mrs. Jennifer has taught me not only how to be a strong leader but also how to be confident in myself. There have been so many times when life can get you down, but it is reassuring to know that Mrs. Jennifer will be there to encourage me and make sure I’m in the right mindset! Besides sorority life, I look up to Mrs. Jennifer in all aspects! I am in school to become a teacher and Mrs. Jennifer is the principal of a school! She is someone I strive to be one day and I hope she knows that so many girls in this chapter look up to her as well! Epsilon Pi, and I, would not be the same if it wasn’t for Mrs. Jennifer! I will forever be thankful for her and I know I have someone to talk to for the rest of my life! You are the best!! 

- Emilee Robinson, President 

Becoming the Director of Philanthropy was all things exciting and rewarding although, at times I found myself overwhelmed because I had so many questions and ideas to begin my term. I wondered if my advisor would understand my ideas yet the stress I put things under and would help guide me in the right direction to fulfill my position as well as possible. When I found out Eastyn Durrence was my advisor she was an immediate answer to prayers. Not only was Eastyn a kind-hearted and helpful light in this chapter when she was active but she has been patient, excited, and willing to help or get the answer when I have any questions as my advisor. I could not imagine my first semester as Director of Philanthropy with anyone else but Eastyn because of the endless support and confidence she has given me throughout my events. I cannot thank God enough for joining our paths and for her influence on this chapter in many aspects. She truly is a positive leader whom Epsilon Pi is lucky to have for many years to come!

- Caroline Morgan, Director of Philanthropy  

I have been so thankful and honored to work with Mrs. Mia Sellers, our membership experience advisor, since being elected VPME in November. She has taught me so much in just one semester! Mrs. Mia took the initiative right off the bat and invited our whole membership experience team to dinner. From that one night, I could already tell how much I would enjoy working with her. She was so kind and witty and had many great plans for us! She is SO present for not only me but the whole chapter. She is always checking in on me and I know I can count on her no matter what. I think Mrs. Mia is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I am so thankful for that! She truly believes in me and never holds back what needs to be said! This has built my confidence and assurance of myself so much. Our whole team loves Mrs. Mia, her ideas, and her eagerness to be there for Epsilon Pi. Mrs. Mia is seriously the best, and I can’t wait to continue working with her for the next two years!

- Nan Mullis, Vice President of Membership Experience 

During my time in Adpi, Mrs. Lisa has made such an impact on my life and taught me things that will forever stick with me!! Mrs. Lisa represents every quality of an Adpi and has continued to share that legacy with this chapter over the years by being our recruitment advisor. working beside her during spirit and recruitment week made me see a whole new side of adpi and see how lucky I am to call myself an adpi!! she is incredibly dedicated to this chapter and treats every member of this chapter as her own. Mrs. Lisa helps lead this chapter with grace and class, and we would not be the chapter we are today without her!!

- Jenna Beck, Recruitment Analyst 2023

Joining exec was a new experience for me that brought excitement and worry. Ramsey made the transition so much easier by always being a quick call or text away! She has supported me through every situation that has come my way and always helped me find a solution. She has shown me what true dedication to one’s chapter looks like as she has always served Adpi since joining! I know that I have a role model and someone to call whenever I need anything! I’m so thankful for everything she does behind the scenes for me and the chapter!

- Maddie Gamblin, Director of Facility Management 

Mrs. Susan has been so supportive of me during my time as the VP of Finance! Her dedication in assisting me in overseeing the sorority's financial affairs has been consistent and invaluable. Mrs. Susan's commitment goes beyond just our chapter; she knows her stuff and has been vital in keeping us in line! Mrs. Susan, your support means so much to us, and I truly appreciate all you do!

- Natalie Dietter, Vice President of Finance 

Tayler has easily become one of my biggest supporters during my time as Vice President of Panhellenic Relations. From reassuring me that an idea is good, or giving me advice as a first-time executive board member, I am so appreciative and grateful for all that she does for me! Having an advisor like Tayler to be able to rely and lean on is perfect and I’m so excited for another semester with her!

- Grace Pham, Vice President of Panhellenic Relations

Epsilon Pi is so thankful to have all of these advisors and the dedication they consistently show to ensure that this chapter remains strong! We can’t wait to see how this chapter grows with the love and support of all of our advisors!

With love, Epsilon Pi Chapter

Spreading God's Word

 If someone had told me a couple of months ago that I would fly thousands of miles to spend my first college spring break on a mission trip in Guatemala, I would have called them crazy. I had never been on a plane, never been out of the Southeast of the United States, never had been incredibly open in my relationship with Christ with my peers, and had never really tried sharing the gospel with anyone. The idea of doing all of this and especially doing it in the span of one week was something that I would have never pictured for myself. However, as soon as spring break rolled around I was seated on that plane heading straight to Pasaco, Guatemala with some of my ADPi sisters and other Greek life students to share the gospel in the communities there.

   The first day I was extremely anxious about evangelizing for the first time in my life, being with a group of people I didn’t really know, and overall doing a good job representing the gospel on the trip. I had so many fears that I wasn’t cut out for missions or that I wasn’t going to make deep friendships while we were there. However, the Lord proved my fears wrong throughout the week. Getting to share God’s love for us and the good news that Jesus died for our sins and defeated death, so that we may have a relationship with God was an incredible experience I will never forget. Also seeing how hearing the gospel affected people so deeply in every house we walked into, and how sharing it deepened my faith and inspired me to be more bold is something that is going to stick with me for the rest of my life. The community and friendships that we built there have provided me with some of the most kind-hearted, God-loving, and authentic friends who are so hard to come by and who are a blessing to have. 

Overall, our trip to Guatemala is one that has affected me so deeply in all the best ways and showed me how incredible our Lord is. Three paragraphs simply does not do justice to how impactful this mission trip was for me and the amazing friends I made along the way. While taking that big leap of faith is scary, it is the best choice I have ever made in my life and I find myself now looking at how I can continue to go on mission trips every spring break from this point forward, and I hope that I can continue to share this wonderful experience with my wonderful sisters at ADPi.

- Kadee Walker PC’23

God is Always Working Even When We Don't See It!

Hey everyone my name is Ashlyn Arendes. I am currently a sophomore at Georgia Southern and in my 3rd semester as an Alpha Delta Pi! Before ever committing or even thinking about recruitment, I was searching for friends my entire life who had the same desires as I did, made me seem popular, or gave me the best social status. Growing up I began to realize how lenientant and how much trust my parents had given to my siblings and me. My parents were not strict and allowed us to do anything because of the trust they had put in us. As I began to notice this more and more throughout the end of my middle school years and all throughout my high school years I began to really dig deep into my faith and loving god with all of my heart. At the peak of my classmates, friends and me turning from kids into teenagers I noticed how people I was surrounding myself with were not longing for the desires of how I wanted to live my life but they strayed down different paths instead. At the end of my 8th grade year going into highschool drinking, smoking became important to almost everyone I had spent time with. I started to see friends flee from me, thinking I would judge them or critique what they were doing simply because I did not participate in any of these activities. This began to really hurt my heart and shifted my mind to thinking, just maybe if I did these things I would finally feel accepted or seen again. Standing strong in my faith and sticking to what I know is true, I knew God was the only lifelong satisfaction my heart needed. During high school, I started to feel as if God had forgotten about me. I started to ask him why he took friends away that I thought I needed, people I thought loved me so much, the people who gave me the “best social status or popularity.” I asked myself these questions every day for four years, “why me, why did I lose friends when I was the girl who didn't go to parties or do all the things high school kids did to fit in, I always go to church and attend bible studies, how come everyone else has friends and I don’t?” This took a toll on my life. I stopped wanting God so much and wanted the popular friend group and the best fashion style more and more to make me feel seen, to feel accepted. Finally graduating I was so concerned this would all happen over again in college. I started to think, “Who are my friends going to be, will people like me, how will I find new friends?” Since middle and high school were the years I started to believe that having the prettiest, best dressed, popular friend group was all I needed to fulfill what was missing in my heart, I believed this all until the day I walked through Alpha Delta Pi’s front door! I had always questioned myself wondering if a sorority was for me. I didn't think I would fit in, I didn't believe I was “the preppy sorority girl.” Until the first night of registration opened up, I immediately felt the need to sign up. I wasn't sure if it was for me but I wanted to at least try. I didn’t want to finish my college years asking myself, “What if?”

Recruitment finally came around, I was extremely nervous. Growing up in the town of Statesboro and now going to college in Statesboro I thought there was absolutely no way I could find my best friends in the place I had called home for 15 years, the town where I struggled so hard to find Christ-centered friendships but never found them. As the first day of icebreakers came around I met the kindest people ever! I knew giving this sorority thing a shot could be worth it. I had prayed over and over if God would just allow me to stay true to who I am and what I believed in. That then led to the second day of icebreakers where I took my first step into the front doors of Alpha Delta Pi. I knew right away this was the place I would find the lifelong friendships my heart had desired my entire life. I had talked to a girl named Riley Hart who made me feel so loved and so seen, she had the biggest and kindest smile on her face. As the week went on I couldn’t stop thinking about how Riley instantly made me feel the love I had been longing for, for the last 5 years of life. The girls of Alpha Delta Pi brought me so much hope. Every day after that I walked into Alpha Delta Pi I felt a sense of validation that no other house had brought me. I just knew this was the place I would spend my next four years building the strongest, most loyal, Jesus-loving friendships. 

Now being in my 3rd semester in Alpha Delta Pi I can confirm that the past year and a half has exceeded the expectations I ever held before becoming a member of Alpha Delta Pi. Realizing and understanding that a sorority is much more than just paying for friends; it’s finding community, navigating leadership roles, raising money for charities, and watching God move through 250 girls' lives was the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed! I began to transform the way I wanted to live life by learning and finding community in the chapter of Epsilon Pi. I now have the truest, genuine, loyal friends who love me on every level, friends who don’t judge me but hold me accountable, friends who are longing for the things I long for. Not popularity, the best dressed, or having the perfect relationship but friends who love Jesus unconditionally. Friends who understand that Jesus is all that we need, the only satisfaction that won't leave us wanting more. I say all of these things to say in all the years before college. I didn't understand why friendships were taken away or why I always felt punished for doing the right thing but the truth is that if those things weren't taken away from me I wouldn’t be standing where I am today. Without those things gone, who knows where my relationship with God would be or if I would have one at alI. I have lived my entire life trying to earn God’s love and gifts by doing what I thought was the right thing. It wasn't until I took the leap of faith went through the recruitment process and found the girls of Alpha Delta Pi. Through these girls, God has taught me that we live for him because we love him not to earn something from him! This is his truth! Our God is good all the time, our God never stops working. It is the times when we struggle the most and feel like he's not there, that he is preparing our hearts for something far much greater! Never second guess what God’s doing in your life, trust him! 

Jesus said, “ My father is always at work to this very day, and I am too working.” John 6:17

Refining Sisterhood: Why YOU Deserve It.

Attending the Alpha Delta Pi Officer Academy in Orlando was a transformational experience for me. The opportunity to immerse myself in an environment dedicated to leadership, growth, and the values of sisterhood has truly enriched my life. It was during this event that I had the privilege of listening to the incredibly inspiring Tina Robilotta, whose words resonated deeply within me, altering my entire perspective on Sisterhood. Her impactful message has instilled in me a renewed commitment to upholding the ideals of Sisterhood, and why every single woman on this earth deserves it.

Sororities are known for fostering life-long connections, sisterhood, and deep friendships. While I have always appreciated the significance of these elements within the sorority experience, I have never fully dissected the essence of sisterhood, and what it entails to embody the role of a supportive and compassionate sister and friend.

Sisterhood cannot exist without care: Sisterhood is a bond that thrives on genuine care and mutual understanding. Each organization is filled with a multitude of diversity, and it can be very easy to disagree with your sisters because of your differences. However, to care for your sisters, regardless of your differences, is the first step to achieving sisterhood.

A support system: When passing someone and asking "how are you," the response is often a brief and superficial exchange. The question is often more of a formality and for manners purposes instead of genuine question. A sister who genuinely cares about your well-being, will ask how you are, and really mean it. They should be a safe space for you to express your feelings and thoughts without judgment. Their intention is to go beyond a casual greeting, and they truly want to know how you are and support you. Sisterhood cannot exist without your sisters being your unwavering support system.

Your sisters are not your competition: Girls are often competitive with each other, striving to outdo one another in various aspects of life. However, it's important to recognize that true friendship is not about competing with each other, but rather supporting and uplifting one another. During Tina’s presentation, she quoted Brene Brown, another motivational speaker, about her outlook on true support from your sisters. She described success and achievement as a lit flame on a candle, and she asked us: Does your sister see your candle, do everything in their power to fan your flame to help that fire grow, or does she blow it out? Friendships and sisterhood cannot co-exist with jealousy. Surround yourself with sisters who help your fire grow, and practice the same for your sisters. Your sisters are your teammates, not your competition.

During Tina’s presentation, she had us do an exercise where we got up from our seats and found a complete stranger to talk to. That day I met the VP Of Membership Experience from the College Of Charleston’s ADPi chapter, Bridget Lovely. Bridget was one of the most sincere and genuine people I had ever met, and during our brief time talking, I got the chance to know her heart. We talked about why we had taken up leadership positions in our chapter, or purpose in ADPi, and what the sisterhood we had meant to us. It dawned on me that while Bridget was so kind, compassionate, and understanding, that she was just like every single girl in that room. We all have a story; things we aren't proud of, things we are proud of, and what makes us, us. Despite the variety of different personalities, opinions, and differences, every single human being in that room deserved a love true sisterhood brings.

I learned that day that creating true sisterhood is not hard, and it’s not magic. It is a connection and moments that are always worth your time. Every single woman deserves a woman in their life that makes you feel cared about, understood, and supported unconditionally. Sisterhood is something you, me, and every single woman on this earth deserves.

Putting Yourself First

Mental Health. Two scary words you hear a lot of these days yet you're not entirely sure what they mean. I too used to be frightened by this subject. We are always told to “take care of yourself and your mental health,” but never really told how to do it. 

As I start the second half of my sophomore year and begin to get back into my routine one of my biggest priorities is making time for myself- something I haven’t always done. Being a full-time student, a member of Alpha Delta Pi, and just a girl in college can make life very hectic; and while I enjoy keeping busy with class, friends, and activities I often found myself making my mental health one of my last priorities. It can be challenging to put yourself first, but it is oh-so beneficial.

I know you're probably wondering “Well how do I take care of my mental wellbeing?” but there is no single, magic answer. Taking care of mental health looks different for everyone, so you need to find what makes you happy. Whether it be going on a walk, listening to your favorite songs while you shop for groceries, putting your favorite bible verse on your mirror, waking up 10 minutes earlier to do your hair, or even treating yourself to Starbucks. These small actions may seem pointless or “extra,” but nothing is extra about making yourself content. 

As the 2024 Wellness Specialist for Alpha Delta Pi, my goal is to remove the stigma, fear, and questions associated with mental health and remind my sisters how important, yet simple taking care of your mental health can be. The brain is a muscle, and like any muscle in our body, we must work it to keep it strong. So Today I challenge you to set aside time for you to do something that brings you joy, something that makes you laugh, something that keeps your brain strong!

A President's Perspective

Epsilon Pi, where do I even begin? As I reflect from November 2022 to November 2023 no words really will ever begin to express my gratitude, and oftentimes I am left speechless. I know it may seem sappy, and many people may wonder why I am so passionate about my sorority, But when you love something and a place so much it all makes perfect sense. It confirms “my why ADPI”. 

“An ADPI is not something you become, it is something you have always been” has proven itself true. It is the most humbling experience to pour back into an organization that poured so much into me. My hope and prayer is that I have left this chapter better than I found it. I prayerfully focused on my platform during my presidency. I developed  "The 4 L’s” which represents loving, leading, listening, and learning. This platform and my faith were the firm foundations that guided me throughout this past year. 

This experience has allowed me to see a redefined passion and cultivated an understanding of pursuing and fulfilling my purpose the Lord intended. It has taught me so much about people, business,  while learning so much about myself personally and professionally.  There have been accomplishments, adversity, and failures. However, every moment has been so valuable. A wise and sweet friend of mine (shoutout Maia Mae) reminded and inspired me of how important every inch and moment in our measuring tape of life matters, because life is so short so make everything count. I strive to live in the obedience of God daily, but the Lord knows we all need to grace. Give grace freely because we all need endless grace. This has been the MOST rewarding experience.

I am thankful we are ADPIs for life because I never want this experience to end.  This is a bittersweet time. My membership has been nothing short of incredible these past 3.5 years, but this past year was something different, something special, something unforgettable. A journey of mountaintops and valleys. The most beautiful thing of it all is that it is a jog not a sprint. It is a process of growth. 

Today as I close one of the most life-changing and shape- shifting opportunities that I have had the greatest privilege and honor is to lead and serve as Epsilon Pi’s president. The endless events, chapter awards, sleepless nights and ongoing hours, days, weeks, and months of work have been completely worth it and SO MUCH  FUN!  I would not have it any other way. I have the joy of getting to know so many amazing people regionally, locally, and nationally. No one can convince me otherwise, sororities truly prepare you for the real world.One thing that will never compare is having the opportunities to share the light and love of Jesus. As I turn the page to end one chapter and to begin the next, I am humbled and grateful for God leading me to this amazing opportunity. I am thankful for where I am at and excited for where I am going. 

To my exec: 

Not only the best team and leaders, but some of my greatest friends that came with their listening ears, servants hearts, helping hands, encouraging words, and so many more inspiring acts of kindness. My backbone of support. This team is a force to be reckoned with in all the right ways.. The most charismatic group of leading ladies. They helped me become a better me and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I would not be who I am today without these nine women, and I could never be more thankful for your time, commitment, and energy you have devoted to this chapter, community, and campus this past year.

To my advisors: 

AKA my statesboro moms. They seriously are simply the best. Throughout my time spent in Epsilon Pi, I have seen their commitment of creating new opportunities, outpouring love, showing support, and cultivating a positive environment of leadership to every member past, present, and I know the future, and for the overall health of and betterment of our chapter. They serve selflessly while volunteering and sacrificing their time so willingly. They understand the panhellenic community, the benefits it brings women, and furthermore how to cultivate leadership abilities in these women. I can confidently say they have done each one of these in my own life. Thank you for instilling priceless virtues that will go far beyond just these four years. I am ultimately the leader I am today because of the grace and guidance they have led with. 

To my officers: 

Thank you for fulfilling your roles and responsibilities so gracefully while sharing your unique qualities and talents. I am so grateful for each of you and your hard work. It has been so amazing seeing all of the visions come to life after lots of strategizing, planning, and execution. We are truly better together and you have shown that teamwork makes the dreamwork!

To my seniors and Fall 20’ 

From freshman starting college in a national pandemic, to forming the most inseparable bonds and lifelong friendships, making unforgettable memories,to every moment in between, and now soaking every second of “lasts” as we approach graduating in a few months. I am thankful for your loyalty, love, and initiative. Let's make the most of every moment we have left! Trying to keep it short and sweet before I enter the waterworks. 

To my entire Epsilon Pi chapter:

Wow to my chapter, I can proudly say getting to intentionally know each of your (250 +)  beautiful hearts and unique personalities has truly been one of the most incredible experiences. I have truly valued the authentic love, special bond, and positive morale this sisterhood holds. It is a family, It is home. It is a place of belonging. Where I can confidently say I am unapologetically me. I love the authenticity and unconditional love that exists within and outside the “big white house on the end of row”  . I am so grateful for your endless love, encouragement, and support.. It would not be possible without YOU. So thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for your  constant devotion and love of self, service, scholarship, and sisterhood that you all have shined so brightly. Each of you understand Alpha Delta Pi as a whole, and truly live by our motto “We Live for Each Other”. The love I have for ADPI and GSU as a whole is unmatched but the love I have for you all who are in this very chapter is truly indescribable. Each one of your qualities, gifts, and character is what makes up the pure beauty of this sisterhood.I will always treasure conversations and cherish each compliment..thank you to each of you so much for such a memorable presidency. I am so excited to see what is in store for Epsilon Pi and each member in it. 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.- colossians 3:17 

Maya Angelou said  “People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel” I know that I will never forget each of you because the way I feel at this very moment is one that you can not describe but only experience. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to lead you on this beautiful journey. I am so honored to call each of you my sisters and call this place home. The best is yet to come!

All my love, Maddie Milani Epsilon Pi President (2023)