Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul

Oh ADPI, where do I start?! This past semester has brought me feelings of overwhelming joy, pure bliss, and true happiness. It is true what they say, “sweet friendship refreshes the soul!”. Proverbs 27:9 reads “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul, and awakens our hearts with joy”. ADPI has brought me friends who truly awaken my soul and bring me closer to the feet of Jesus. Intense, belly-hurting laughter could turn into intense, emotional crying, or a movie night that actually turns into a therapy session. Country music that turns into gospel music. Anything a girl could need, your best friends have it all.

Coming into the entirety of rush, I wanted to find a sisterhood who loves not only each other, but the creator of everything I am and love. There truly is no place like home. A place where I truly feel valued, cherished, and loved like no other. A place where Christ is the center and we’re all just in awe of his creations. My bible study group is made up of girls who are genuine, kind, and most of all sweet as honey! They make me better, more inspired, and more passionate about all the things that life throws at me. Whether that's good or bad.

When in the house of ADPI, you hear a saying that goes something like “ADPI isn’t something you become, but something you’ve always been”. That couldn’t be more true. I’ve found my absolute best friend in this sisterhood and I get the privilege of learning what makes her magic! We are best friends, but ADPI made us sisters! Sweet friendships are just one of the many things that this house is built on. Being a vessel for Christ is something I try to achieve and fall short of everyday, but how cool is it that I get the opportunity to try and be a light for so many other vessels?! Everyday at college is truly an adventure waiting to happen, and it’s normal for there to be rocky times and times of hardship. It doesn’t mean that tears don’t shed, or that things aren’t tough. It does mean that you get to share those feelings with girls who will genuinely lift you up and be there for you no matter what.

Before coming to college, I struggled with feeling left out or maybe just not worthy of certain friendships, no matter how hard I tried or how kind I was despite how I was treated. So, sure I was nervous in anticipation about having those same feelings when joining a sorority. I can tell you those feelings were cast away, and that true, genuine friendship is built on the one who destined you to be great. Jesus Christ. You will always have a friend in him, and God has blessed me with abundantly more throughout my time in ADPI! I was lucky enough to be around girls who I know will always strive to not only make themselves better, but push their friends to their fullest potential. I can’t wait to see what God has in store, and how he moves in every friendship. They do refresh the soul!

“Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

With love, Meadow Robinson PC’24