A Letter To All PNMs

Dear PNMs,

I cannot believe that we are only 1 sleep away from finally meeting each other, it feels like Christmas Eve and I can’t wait!! I know you all are feeling all of the emotions right now from transitioning from home to college, living completely on your own for the last couple of days, to getting ready to go through sorority recruitment for the first time but trust me when I say that everything will be perfectly fine! As you navigate this next week my advice to you is this,

Before you ever decided what college you were going to and before you decided that you were going to join a sorority you were designed as a “one of a kind” girl who is strong and who is loved. These are things that can never be taken away from you no matter what the outcome is and no matter what house you choose to run home to. With this being said try and be your truest self throughout every conversation we are here to get to know you and want to see the real you!!

Soak it all in!! Right now you are beginning the best 4 years of your life and trust me as a senior, it goes by way too quickly. I would do anything to turn back time and be a PNM again!! So do it all, go talk with your neighbors, become friends with your pi chi group, laugh as much as you can, and truly enjoy the process because you only get to be a freshman once!!

My last little piece of advice is to not be nervous! I know this is hard but just take a deep breath and know there are 700 girls right beside you all feeling the same emotions! I’ll also let you know a little secret, every girl on the other side of the door is just as nervous! So let's all just take a deep breath and know that everything happens for a reason and let us all just have so much fun this week!!

I am rooting for each and every one of y’all and cannot wait to see all 706 of your sweet faces tomorrow!! Love you all already!!

Morgan Kirkendoll

‘AC 21 Director of Primary Recruitment