Refining Sisterhood: Why YOU Deserve It.

Attending the Alpha Delta Pi Officer Academy in Orlando was a transformational experience for me. The opportunity to immerse myself in an environment dedicated to leadership, growth, and the values of sisterhood has truly enriched my life. It was during this event that I had the privilege of listening to the incredibly inspiring Tina Robilotta, whose words resonated deeply within me, altering my entire perspective on Sisterhood. Her impactful message has instilled in me a renewed commitment to upholding the ideals of Sisterhood, and why every single woman on this earth deserves it.

Sororities are known for fostering life-long connections, sisterhood, and deep friendships. While I have always appreciated the significance of these elements within the sorority experience, I have never fully dissected the essence of sisterhood, and what it entails to embody the role of a supportive and compassionate sister and friend.

Sisterhood cannot exist without care: Sisterhood is a bond that thrives on genuine care and mutual understanding. Each organization is filled with a multitude of diversity, and it can be very easy to disagree with your sisters because of your differences. However, to care for your sisters, regardless of your differences, is the first step to achieving sisterhood.

A support system: When passing someone and asking "how are you," the response is often a brief and superficial exchange. The question is often more of a formality and for manners purposes instead of genuine question. A sister who genuinely cares about your well-being, will ask how you are, and really mean it. They should be a safe space for you to express your feelings and thoughts without judgment. Their intention is to go beyond a casual greeting, and they truly want to know how you are and support you. Sisterhood cannot exist without your sisters being your unwavering support system.

Your sisters are not your competition: Girls are often competitive with each other, striving to outdo one another in various aspects of life. However, it's important to recognize that true friendship is not about competing with each other, but rather supporting and uplifting one another. During Tina’s presentation, she quoted Brene Brown, another motivational speaker, about her outlook on true support from your sisters. She described success and achievement as a lit flame on a candle, and she asked us: Does your sister see your candle, do everything in their power to fan your flame to help that fire grow, or does she blow it out? Friendships and sisterhood cannot co-exist with jealousy. Surround yourself with sisters who help your fire grow, and practice the same for your sisters. Your sisters are your teammates, not your competition.

During Tina’s presentation, she had us do an exercise where we got up from our seats and found a complete stranger to talk to. That day I met the VP Of Membership Experience from the College Of Charleston’s ADPi chapter, Bridget Lovely. Bridget was one of the most sincere and genuine people I had ever met, and during our brief time talking, I got the chance to know her heart. We talked about why we had taken up leadership positions in our chapter, or purpose in ADPi, and what the sisterhood we had meant to us. It dawned on me that while Bridget was so kind, compassionate, and understanding, that she was just like every single girl in that room. We all have a story; things we aren't proud of, things we are proud of, and what makes us, us. Despite the variety of different personalities, opinions, and differences, every single human being in that room deserved a love true sisterhood brings.

I learned that day that creating true sisterhood is not hard, and it’s not magic. It is a connection and moments that are always worth your time. Every single woman deserves a woman in their life that makes you feel cared about, understood, and supported unconditionally. Sisterhood is something you, me, and every single woman on this earth deserves.

Putting Yourself First

Mental Health. Two scary words you hear a lot of these days yet you're not entirely sure what they mean. I too used to be frightened by this subject. We are always told to “take care of yourself and your mental health,” but never really told how to do it. 

As I start the second half of my sophomore year and begin to get back into my routine one of my biggest priorities is making time for myself- something I haven’t always done. Being a full-time student, a member of Alpha Delta Pi, and just a girl in college can make life very hectic; and while I enjoy keeping busy with class, friends, and activities I often found myself making my mental health one of my last priorities. It can be challenging to put yourself first, but it is oh-so beneficial.

I know you're probably wondering “Well how do I take care of my mental wellbeing?” but there is no single, magic answer. Taking care of mental health looks different for everyone, so you need to find what makes you happy. Whether it be going on a walk, listening to your favorite songs while you shop for groceries, putting your favorite bible verse on your mirror, waking up 10 minutes earlier to do your hair, or even treating yourself to Starbucks. These small actions may seem pointless or “extra,” but nothing is extra about making yourself content. 

As the 2024 Wellness Specialist for Alpha Delta Pi, my goal is to remove the stigma, fear, and questions associated with mental health and remind my sisters how important, yet simple taking care of your mental health can be. The brain is a muscle, and like any muscle in our body, we must work it to keep it strong. So Today I challenge you to set aside time for you to do something that brings you joy, something that makes you laugh, something that keeps your brain strong!

A President's Perspective

Epsilon Pi, where do I even begin? As I reflect from November 2022 to November 2023 no words really will ever begin to express my gratitude, and oftentimes I am left speechless. I know it may seem sappy, and many people may wonder why I am so passionate about my sorority, But when you love something and a place so much it all makes perfect sense. It confirms “my why ADPI”. 

“An ADPI is not something you become, it is something you have always been” has proven itself true. It is the most humbling experience to pour back into an organization that poured so much into me. My hope and prayer is that I have left this chapter better than I found it. I prayerfully focused on my platform during my presidency. I developed  "The 4 L’s” which represents loving, leading, listening, and learning. This platform and my faith were the firm foundations that guided me throughout this past year. 

This experience has allowed me to see a redefined passion and cultivated an understanding of pursuing and fulfilling my purpose the Lord intended. It has taught me so much about people, business,  while learning so much about myself personally and professionally.  There have been accomplishments, adversity, and failures. However, every moment has been so valuable. A wise and sweet friend of mine (shoutout Maia Mae) reminded and inspired me of how important every inch and moment in our measuring tape of life matters, because life is so short so make everything count. I strive to live in the obedience of God daily, but the Lord knows we all need to grace. Give grace freely because we all need endless grace. This has been the MOST rewarding experience.

I am thankful we are ADPIs for life because I never want this experience to end.  This is a bittersweet time. My membership has been nothing short of incredible these past 3.5 years, but this past year was something different, something special, something unforgettable. A journey of mountaintops and valleys. The most beautiful thing of it all is that it is a jog not a sprint. It is a process of growth. 

Today as I close one of the most life-changing and shape- shifting opportunities that I have had the greatest privilege and honor is to lead and serve as Epsilon Pi’s president. The endless events, chapter awards, sleepless nights and ongoing hours, days, weeks, and months of work have been completely worth it and SO MUCH  FUN!  I would not have it any other way. I have the joy of getting to know so many amazing people regionally, locally, and nationally. No one can convince me otherwise, sororities truly prepare you for the real world.One thing that will never compare is having the opportunities to share the light and love of Jesus. As I turn the page to end one chapter and to begin the next, I am humbled and grateful for God leading me to this amazing opportunity. I am thankful for where I am at and excited for where I am going. 

To my exec: 

Not only the best team and leaders, but some of my greatest friends that came with their listening ears, servants hearts, helping hands, encouraging words, and so many more inspiring acts of kindness. My backbone of support. This team is a force to be reckoned with in all the right ways.. The most charismatic group of leading ladies. They helped me become a better me and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I would not be who I am today without these nine women, and I could never be more thankful for your time, commitment, and energy you have devoted to this chapter, community, and campus this past year.

To my advisors: 

AKA my statesboro moms. They seriously are simply the best. Throughout my time spent in Epsilon Pi, I have seen their commitment of creating new opportunities, outpouring love, showing support, and cultivating a positive environment of leadership to every member past, present, and I know the future, and for the overall health of and betterment of our chapter. They serve selflessly while volunteering and sacrificing their time so willingly. They understand the panhellenic community, the benefits it brings women, and furthermore how to cultivate leadership abilities in these women. I can confidently say they have done each one of these in my own life. Thank you for instilling priceless virtues that will go far beyond just these four years. I am ultimately the leader I am today because of the grace and guidance they have led with. 

To my officers: 

Thank you for fulfilling your roles and responsibilities so gracefully while sharing your unique qualities and talents. I am so grateful for each of you and your hard work. It has been so amazing seeing all of the visions come to life after lots of strategizing, planning, and execution. We are truly better together and you have shown that teamwork makes the dreamwork!

To my seniors and Fall 20’ 

From freshman starting college in a national pandemic, to forming the most inseparable bonds and lifelong friendships, making unforgettable memories,to every moment in between, and now soaking every second of “lasts” as we approach graduating in a few months. I am thankful for your loyalty, love, and initiative. Let's make the most of every moment we have left! Trying to keep it short and sweet before I enter the waterworks. 

To my entire Epsilon Pi chapter:

Wow to my chapter, I can proudly say getting to intentionally know each of your (250 +)  beautiful hearts and unique personalities has truly been one of the most incredible experiences. I have truly valued the authentic love, special bond, and positive morale this sisterhood holds. It is a family, It is home. It is a place of belonging. Where I can confidently say I am unapologetically me. I love the authenticity and unconditional love that exists within and outside the “big white house on the end of row”  . I am so grateful for your endless love, encouragement, and support.. It would not be possible without YOU. So thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for your  constant devotion and love of self, service, scholarship, and sisterhood that you all have shined so brightly. Each of you understand Alpha Delta Pi as a whole, and truly live by our motto “We Live for Each Other”. The love I have for ADPI and GSU as a whole is unmatched but the love I have for you all who are in this very chapter is truly indescribable. Each one of your qualities, gifts, and character is what makes up the pure beauty of this sisterhood.I will always treasure conversations and cherish each compliment..thank you to each of you so much for such a memorable presidency. I am so excited to see what is in store for Epsilon Pi and each member in it. 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.- colossians 3:17 

Maya Angelou said  “People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel” I know that I will never forget each of you because the way I feel at this very moment is one that you can not describe but only experience. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to lead you on this beautiful journey. I am so honored to call each of you my sisters and call this place home. The best is yet to come!

All my love, Maddie Milani Epsilon Pi President (2023)

Discipleship within Alpha Delta Pi

A word from Mattie Wynn, Grace, and Mackenzie


Like a lot of people, I struggled to find the reason why I joined my sorority. Was it because all my friends from high school joined one? Was it to be labeled cool in college? Was it because I thought I would automatically make friends before college even started? I later learned these reasons for joining a sorority would never satisfy me at all. Just because you join a sorority, that does not mean you are going to be automatically cool or instantly have friends on day one. Every now and then, I ask myself if I made the right choice joining a sorority. I can easily answer yes to that question now. That is because of God and the opportunity He gave me to disciple within ADPi. Through ADPi, I have been able to to create God-centered relationships with girls and also see how they and myself grow closer to God. Matthew 28:19 tells us we are to go and make disciples of all nations. This mission can be done in your own sorority and how amazing is it that I get to be a part of that!

With Love, Mattie Wynn Hendrix Fall 18’


Discipleship within adpi has single handedly been my favorite part of college. It is more than just a Bible study, it is a relationship truly centered around the Lord. This year I have gotten the opportunity to disciple other girls and it is my favorite part of the week! I will forever be thankful for older girls who took the time to pour into me and invest in my life. “So being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

With Love, Grace Empric Fall 19’


I think the world has lost the art of there being any depth to our friendship. The genuinely love each other deeply the way the Lord designed us to be, it takes asking them hard questions, showing up consistently, and pointing each other to the feet of Jesus daily. That’s the friendship that discipleship has allowed me to see, grow in, and experience. Diving into God’s word with these college girls has surely been the honor of my life. We will be better friends, better women of God because of it.

With Love, Mackenzie Williams Fall 17’

The Year as President

Epsilon Pi, where do I even begin!! Reflecting back on 2020 brings back so many genuine memories that I will cherish forever. Even through a year of uncertainties, I find peace knowing that everything happened for a reason in God’s Perfect Plan, and I am so thankful He gave me the opportunity to help lead the Epsilon Pi Chapter. 

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To my Exec team

Thank you for your constant commitment, strength, and loyalty to myself and our chapter members. Thank you for trusting me unconditionally through the uncertainties we experienced. I could not have made it through this year without each and every one of you. I will miss all the laughs and fun times we shared together. I love y’all so much!!!


To my advisors,

Thank you for being there for me from the beginning. This year would not have been possible without the help of each and every one of you. Through the good and the bad, you never doubted me. Instead, you were there to help me learn and grow in every situation. Epsilon Pi is so truly blessed to have advisors that are so dedicated and loving to the whole chapter.

To my officers,

Thank you for your optimistic attitudes and dedication throughout the year. When times were tough, you were all willing to push through and provide opportunities for our members to bond with each other in the midst of this pandemic. I am so proud of all we accomplished in 2020 and I thank you for giving it your all. 

To my sisters/best friends (Addie, Kendall, Mackensie, Grace, Avery, Sydney, Morgan, and Savannah),

Thank you for always being there to support me in my best and most difficult times of this past year. I would have never in a million years pictured myself being a President of 250+ girls and it is because of you all believing in me. I am so truly blessed for Epsilon Pi bringing me my ‘Girl Gang’. 


To my entire Epsilon Pi Chapter,

Thank you for never giving up on me. Our chapter would not be where it is today without each and every one of you. I have learned so much from you more than you know, and I am forever changed by the love and grace you have shown this year. Remember that you will never get these years back so live it to the fullest! I pray that this chapter continues to be filled with women who are engaged and admired at all times. Leading this chapter has been the biggest honor and the greatest privilege. I love you all so much & thank you for the past year!!!

With Love, Sydney Starling Epsilon Pi President (2020)

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