Putting Yourself First

Mental Health. Two scary words you hear a lot of these days yet you're not entirely sure what they mean. I too used to be frightened by this subject. We are always told to “take care of yourself and your mental health,” but never really told how to do it. 

As I start the second half of my sophomore year and begin to get back into my routine one of my biggest priorities is making time for myself- something I haven’t always done. Being a full-time student, a member of Alpha Delta Pi, and just a girl in college can make life very hectic; and while I enjoy keeping busy with class, friends, and activities I often found myself making my mental health one of my last priorities. It can be challenging to put yourself first, but it is oh-so beneficial.

I know you're probably wondering “Well how do I take care of my mental wellbeing?” but there is no single, magic answer. Taking care of mental health looks different for everyone, so you need to find what makes you happy. Whether it be going on a walk, listening to your favorite songs while you shop for groceries, putting your favorite bible verse on your mirror, waking up 10 minutes earlier to do your hair, or even treating yourself to Starbucks. These small actions may seem pointless or “extra,” but nothing is extra about making yourself content. 

As the 2024 Wellness Specialist for Alpha Delta Pi, my goal is to remove the stigma, fear, and questions associated with mental health and remind my sisters how important, yet simple taking care of your mental health can be. The brain is a muscle, and like any muscle in our body, we must work it to keep it strong. So Today I challenge you to set aside time for you to do something that brings you joy, something that makes you laugh, something that keeps your brain strong!