Sister Spotlight + Why ADPi #4

Emma Venable (Pledge Class '16)

Emma Venable (Pledge Class '16)


This summer, I had the opportunity to travel with a team of two professors and ten other
students, two of which are my ADPi sisters, with the Georgia Southern Biology Department to
Piora Switzerland. We got to stay at the Centro Biologia Alpina Piora in the Swiss Alps. While we
were here, we got to design and run our own research projects that looks deeper into the
arthropods and plants of the Piora Valley. For my research project, I was able to examine the
correlation between the presence of agricultural wastes and arthropods along the river that
runs through the Piora Valley. This experience has been an absolute dream! The scenery of
Switzerland is breathtaking and unreal and magical! The food is delicious! Getting to perform
research in the Alps gaining field research experience and earning credit towards my Biology
major is a once in a life opportunity I will forever be grateful to have been given. The best part
of all is that I have had two of my Alpha Delta Pi sisters here to experience this amazing country
and this once in a lifetime experience with me! That has made my time abroad in Switzerland
all the more special! We truly do live for each other, whether in the US or abroad!

I went through recruitment later in my college years. A few of my friends were already
members of sororities and they all encouraged me to go through recruitment! I wasn’t sure
Greek Life was for me at first, but after praying about it and talking with my mom about it a lot I
decided to go through. My very first house on my very first day of recruitment was Alpha Delta
Pi. I had no idea what to expect and I nervous about how this experience was going to go, but
the moment I was picked up by Anne Marie Fuller the first day of recruitment and we began to
talk and get to know each other, all of my fears and uncertainties faded away. We talked about
our hearts for mission trips, we laughed, and I felt so incredibly seen, known, and welcomed
here. The feeling I had in the ADPi house was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Through
every conversation I had with each ADPi sister I talked to, I felt more and more at home here in
this beautiful white house. At the end of each party, I found myself not wanting to leave ADPi.
These women embodied the characteristics and morals that are so important to me. The week
flew by quickly, and soon it was Preference Day. That day one of my friends from my hometown
who was already a member of ADPi, Connor Lumley, picked me up at the door. It was so special
having her Pref me and as we talked we both cried because it was so crazy how the Lord had
orchestrated the timing of me going through recruitment so perfectly. The president of Alpha
Delta Pi at the time, Hunter Dennard along with Lexi Swan who was the Formal Recruitment
and Marketing Chair came and talked with me too during the preference ceremony. When I left
ADPi that day, I knew without a shadow of a doubt I wanted to be a part of this special
sisterhood that had already left a huge mark on my heart! Opening my bid and invitation to join
Alpha Delta Pi the next morning was one of the most surreal experiences of my life! From the
very first day, this sisterhood has been such a huge blessing to me. These sisters are not for four
years, they are for life. These are the women who will be by my side for life’s biggest moments
to encourage me, to cheer me on, and to champion me through every season! I will forever be
in debt to Alpha Delta Pi for all that this sisterhood has given me, and I will forever be thankful
that these sisters saw in me two years ago the characteristics of an Alpha Delta Pi.

That's it for our fourth Sister Spotlight/Why ADPi! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, Twitter and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!

Sister Spotlight + Why ADPi #3

Ashlyn Griffin (Pledge Class '16)

Ashlyn Griffin (Pledge Class '16)


As formal recruitment week approaches, I’m starting to reflect on my personal experience of going through two years ago. Before the week started, I was beyond nervous about how it was going to play out. There were so many worries about fitting in or not finding a chapter that truly felt like home, but as the days went by I realized that each chapter has their own unique style and it’s all about getting to know one another. Everyone says you will get the feeling of being home as the week of recruitment progresses, and it sounds like an overused phrase people just tell you, but it’s the most accurate explanation of the process. If you just be 100% yourself, then everything will fall into place. Each chapter is so special and have so much to offer every single sister. I met so many amazing women through this process, and it’s an experience I will forever be grateful for. I absolutely loved every girl I talked to at ADPi each day, and I knew that’s where I wanted to be running to on bid day. 

On the first day of recruitment, I got my schedule and saw that ADPi was the last house I was going to be visiting that day. So likely, I began to panic about my makeup running, hair falling, and looking a hot mess for the chapter I was most excited to talk to. Well waiting outside of the house before the party began, it starts to rain and of course I didn’t have an umbrella. As I walk in to the chapter room with my frizzy hair and soaking wet t-shirt, I felt horrified for all these girls I’ve never met to see and talk to me because I wanted to make a lasting first impression on ADPi. As the conversations began, I quickly realized that not one of the sisters cared about my hair or my makeup, but wanted to get to know me for who I was. They truly were the most down to earth girls I had ever met, and didn’t just want to spend the time talking about surface level topics. On sisterhood day, the most genuine soul picked me up at the door, and an hour long conversation felt like five minutes. This sweet sister made me realize that a sorority is so much more than sisterhoods, socials, volunteer work, and cute Instagram pictures. It’s about the girls that are going to be there to celebrate your best days with you and carry you through your worst. I created a lifelong bond with these sisters that can never be broken. To say that ADPi has helped me become the woman I am today would be a complete understatement. Looking back, I can’t even imagine my college experience without these girls. They have taught me that true, genuine friendships become your second family and you couldn’t do life without them.

One of my very best friends is actually from my hometown, but we didn’t even become close until we were in the same pledge class and decided to be roommates our sophomore year. I couldn’t imagine what in the world I would do without her. These girls are my backbone, the ones I can go to with absolutely anything I’m stressing over,  keeping me laughing until I cry 24/7, and being my support system. I am forever in debt to this chapter for bringing me friendships and a sisterhood that I never knew existed beforehand. 

The sisterhood of ADPi is truly life changing, and it is the most rewarding experiences I have ever endured. I’ve found my lifelong besties, future bridesmaids, traveling partners, and so much more. As cliché as it sounds, Greek life is something that becomes a part of you that you never want to let go. I have made so many amazing friendships with the most compassionate girls I have ever known.

That's it for our third Sister Spotlight/Why ADPi! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, Twitter and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!

Sister Spotlight + Why ADPi #1

Ashton Curry (Pledge Class '16)

Ashton Curry (Pledge Class '16)


Thinking back to the week leading up to recruitment, I remember experiencing so many different emotions. I was so excited to decorate my dorm room, be in a new town, and meet my new roommates. At the same time, I was a nervous wreck. I spent day after day deciding what I would wear each day of recruitment. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, and believe it or not, I even contemplated not going through rush because I was so nervous. But by the end of the first day of recruitment, I was so excited and ready to take on the rest of the week. I had talked with so many girls with so much in common with me, especially in ADPi. By the second day of rush, I knew my heart was with ADPi. Each day got better and better, as I got to meet more girls in the chapter and learn what this sorority is all about. From bid day until now, Epsilon Pi has given me so much! I quickly learned that there is so much more to Alpha Delta Pi than social events and t-shirts! I’ve met so many great friends, and gotten more involved than I would have ever imagined.

This past year I decided to take on the position of Scholarship Chair. Being so busy with school, I never thought I’d be able to handle the responsibility. But holding a position has allowed me to spend more time at the house, become close with sisters that I may not have otherwise, and learn so much more about ADPi. Needless to say, it’s been such a great experience and I’ve been given the chance to pour my heart into the chapter even more. 

Looking back at myself before going through recruitment, I can see how much ADPi has allowed me to grow as a person. Never in a million years did I think a sorority would have such an impact on me. Had I made the decision to not go through recruitment, I would have never met so many new faces, and I would have missed out on all of these experiences and opportunities. Sometimes I find myself forgetting that I’ve only known these girls two years, and it seems like I’ve known them my entire life.  I know in my heart, that without the girls in this chapter, my experience so far at Georgia Southern would be totally different, and I don’t think I would have made it this far without them. I am so excited to show everyone coming through how much ADPi has given me the past two years and all of the great things this sorority has to offer! 

That's it for our first Sister Spotlight/Why ADPi! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, Twitter and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!

Sister Spotlight + Why ADPi #2

Faith Williams (Pledge Class '15) and Delaney Polk (Pledge Class '16)

Faith Williams (Pledge Class '15) and Delaney Polk (Pledge Class '16)


Going through recruitment as a sophomore, I was more nervous that I was a bit older and a transfer student. I was anxious about finding a house that truly felt like home. At Alpha Delta Pi, I found girls that truly welcomed me and supported me no matter what I was going through. My sisters are constantly embracing and encouraging me with my academics and extracurriculars. Alpha Delta Pi is what I lean on when college life gets tough. God could not have blessed me with a more loving sisterhood. 

Being able to welcome over 3,000 incoming students and their families to Georgia Southern this summer has been incredible. I love getting to share my love for Georgia Southern to every single student no matter what age they are or where they come from. My passion for this university is something that I hold near to my heart and I lobe getting to express that with help from my awesome team. 

That's it for our second Sister Spotlight/Why ADPi! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, Twitter and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!

Dear PNM (Recruitment Advice) + Welcome

Brooke Bahorich (Pledge Class '15)

Brooke Bahorich (Pledge Class '15)

Shay Healy (Pledge Class '15)

Shay Healy (Pledge Class '15)

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to share more about our chapter with you! Follow along to see more posts from our favorite events, sister spotlights, monthly recaps and everything else Epsilon Pi!

Over the next few weeks leading up to recruitment, some of our sisters are going to share their summer experiences in addition to what made them decide to go ADPi and any advice they might have. Read below to hear what our Formal Recruitment Chair, Shay Healy, and Recruitment Marketing Vice President, Brooke Bahorich, has to share!


Dear PNM,

It’s crazy to think that I was in your shoes just 3 years ago, it really feels like it was yesterday. Joining a sorority has brought me the best of friends and memories that have made my college experience.  I remember the feelings I had prior to recruitment. I was coming to a new school, and going a separate way from my high school friends. Although I was excited about the idea of joining a sorority, I was beyond nervous that I would either be rejected or wouldn’t find my true home.  One thing that reassured me was something an old friend told me, “sorority girls are 10x more nervous than the PNM.” After 2 years of being on the sorority side of recruitment, I can honestly say that this is true. Our main goal is to help girls find their home, and hope that they find it with us. We want girls to experience what sororities have brought to so many of us, and that’s why we work so hard to make sure recruitment is a great experience for you. After going through recruitment once, and being on the other side twice, I can promise you that this will be one of the greatest experiences of your life - even though it may feel hectic during the week.

When it comes to advice, there are a few things I have thought of for any girl going through or considering going through sorority recruitment. First, for the girls who are unsure of signing up for recruitment, go for it!  You never know unless you try, and it may end up being one of the best experiences of your life! As far as recruitment goes, my most important piece of advice for you is to just be yourself. Really be your true, genuine self. This may seem cheesy, but it is so important when going through this process.  You want to use recruitment week as a time to find the house where you feel comfortable, without any hesitation. You want to walk into a house, look around the room, and see girls you can envision being friends with for the rest of your life. Use your conversations to see who you click with, because that is where you will find your people. Take into account how you feel in each house, and if you could bear never going in that house again. Trust these feelings.  As you go through the week, girls will be saying and experiencing different things. It’s very important to stay true to yourself and what you’re feeling during this process. Don’t let a friend or roommate pull you away from the house that you see yourself fitting in best, because I promise you there is a home for everyone, and all of greek life supports one another. This is YOUR college experience, so listen to your heart and go with your true instinct!


Brooke Bahorich & Shay Healy

That's it for our first 'Recruitment Advice' of the summer! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram, VSCO, Twitter and Facebook to see more of our sisterhood and to know when our next blog post is up!