Alpha Delta Pi

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What Is Meant For You Will Never Pass You By

As a senior in High School going into college, I had big plans and goals for myself. I was ready to discover my new beginnings, whatever they may be. I wanted to be involved at GSU,  to maintain a high GPA, get into nursing school, and make new friends. While all of these things were my top priorities, joining Greek Life was always at the back of my mind.

As the summer of my senior year came to an end, I started becoming more and more interested in joining a sorority. It was a new goal and dream of mine. Unfortunately, that goal quickly came to a halt when I became too overwhelmed with my other goals I had in mind- I need to focus on grades and becoming a nurse. I won't have time for this. Maybe I am not even meant to be in Greek Life. Little did I know, that thought of mine was the farthest thing from the truth.

Fast forward, and I am now a few months into my first semester of Freshman Year! Classes are going great, I have a 4.0 GPA, game days are so fun, but something always felt like it was missing. Sure, I was making “friends,” but they were the kind of friendships where you say “Hi” when you see them on campus, or when you almost feel comfortable sitting by them in a public setting because they are the only person you know. Although that was enough to make me happy for the time being, it wasn’t what I wanted for my college experience, and later I found out it wasn’t what I had prayed for either. 

A few more months go by, and I am still loving college and everything that came with it, but I still felt like it had more to offer me and that I had a bigger purpose I hadn’t fulfilled there yet. Walking to class one day, I read a sign saying “Spring Recruitment Meeting at the Williams Center! Come for more information”! And just like that, Greek life moved from the back of my mind to the front of my mind. I immediately called my mom telling her about the sign I saw- Mom, maybe that sign was an actual sign of what is missing in my life. Maybe I am cut out for this. This was the new beginning I had been hoping and praying for. 

A few days later, the day of the meeting, I am on the verge of backing out. Negative thoughts flooding my mind, anxious feelings about what the meeting could entail, when all of a sudden, I get a text from a girl in ADPi. This text immediately made every thought stop except for one- I am going to give this a shot. That night I got ready, walked to the Williams Center, took a deep breath, and walked into what I didn’t know would cause the happiest next 2 years of my life. I had the most meaningful conversations I had ever had in college thus far, and they didn’t even have anything to do with school or grades. I made my way to the ADPi table that I had been eyeing all night. The girls at that table made me feel so special- I was no longer just another student out of the thousands of people at GSU, I meant something to them. We stood there talking for so long, nothing was forced at all, and it was going great! The conversation was coming to an end, so I decided to ask one more question. “What made you go ADPi? How did you know it was what you were meant for?” Confidently and without hesitation, she said “There was always something missing for me in college, but when I walked through the doors of ADPi, there was a sign that read ‘The Lord has Sent you a Friend’ and right then I knew my prayers were answered”. Little did she know, my prayers were also answered after hearing those words come out of her mouth. For the first time I thought, I am meant for this. 

Bid day comes around, I am meeting so many new people, and I am happy. This is what was missing, something I never knew or thought I needed in my life. When I didn’t think it could get any better, I was making the best friends I had never had before. A few months go by, and it’s time to run for officer and exec positions. Everyone was encouraging me to run for something. I decided to run for a few positions, but like always, God had a bigger plan for me. Next thing I know, I was nominated and elected as the Vice President of Marketing as a sophomore in college. This position has been the most rewarding, validating, and amazing thing I ever could have done. The funny thing is that I never would have done it for myself, but it found me because I was meant for it. I could not be more grateful for this experience that God and my peers had given me.

Fast forward to now, I am a Junior in college, I have maintained a 4.0 GPA, I got into nursing school, I have made best friends, joined the sorority of my dreams, and got involved by holding a leadership position on the Executive Board. What is meant to be will be. What is meant for you will find you. Even if you don’t think you’re cut out for something, other goals get in the way, or anxiety takes over- what is meant for you will never ever pass you by. My prayers have been answered, and I am happier than ever. I know for a fact that I am where I am supposed to be, and I owe it all to my college journey, God, and Alpha Delta Pi. Do not stress about what is in store for your life, it will all unfold how it is supposed to. There is no timeline, everyone has different goals and achieve things in their lives at different times. Follow your own path, and God’s plan for you will give you everything you need at the right time in your life. Everything happens for a reason. 

Always remember, What is meant for you will never pass you by. 

XOXO, Zoey Koltz