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Greek Summit 2024 with Nan Mullis

There is something so special about Greek Life, the beach, and quality time with people who love Jesus. Greek Summit was a trip that wrapped all of that plus more into one unforgettable two weeks. I had the opportunity to travel to Destin, Florida with eight of my ADPi sisters, other Georgia Southern students, and Greek students from all over the south and experience Greek Summit. This was a trip to grow our relationships with the Lord, find community with other Greek believers, and learn how to bring Jesus back with us to our campus and sororities.

Every day of Greek Summit was a new adventure, but they all led us back to the feet of Jesus. Most every morning, we met at a local church to hear an amazing message and engage in powerful worship. Then, we were given an hour of quiet time to sit with the Lord individually praying, getting in the word, journaling, etc. This was one of my favorite parts! Then, we split into small groups with students from other schools and amazing staff members to dive deeper into the day's topic. Some of my favorite topics were the Holy Spirit, prayer life, and the importance of international missions. The afternoons were full of discipleship, games, and fun plans like putt-putt, trips to Seaside, and “Flip Flop Formal.” All just reminders that walking with Jesus and living in a Godly community is FUN! However, I think the best memory I have of Greek Summit was getting to evangelize on the beach. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but this reminded me that people everywhere and all around us are in dire need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Karmin Clark (AC ‘23) and I spent two hours walking down the beach talking to people about Jesus. We made genuine connections with total strangers and were able to pray over their lives. God’s intentional and on-time hand was so evident in these conversations. Something else I will carry with me forever from this trip is the new bonds I created with my Epsilon Pi sisters. We grew so close in such a short time, and I know they will be there for me as Godly friends when we get back to Statesboro. I love them all so much! I will always be grateful that I was able to experience Greek Summit!

Most peoples’ immediate thought when Greek Life comes to mind probably isn’t Jesus. I love the Lord, and I want everyone I come in contact with to experience the love and redemption that I have found in Christ for themselves. This past year, I have really wanted and prayed this for my sorority sisters. Sometimes this prayer of spreading light and truth can feel intimidating and almost hopeless, especially on Greek Row. I had no idea how sweetly and clearly God would answer this prayer at Greek Summit. I watched brothers and sisters from all over experience Jesus’ love and redemption for the first time. I had raw discussions and shared testimonies with girls who experience the same struggles and hopes as me. I learned ways to keep my passion for the Lord burning, ways to be a friend to my sisters how Jesus would, and how to step out in boldness and urgency when it comes to spreading God’s Word. But I think most importantly- I was reminded that I am His daughter and that is my number one identity. And so are all of you! God whispered this on my heart in a moment of wondering if I was “good enough” or “equipped enough” to be a vessel for Him. I am not perfect, and I don’t have to be, because Jesus is! He so freely gives to me, so my purpose in life is to give my all to Him. I have found more joy, love, and contentment in following the Lord than I could imagine. Every day I get the unique experience of being in a community with over 200 sisters, and Greek Summit pushed me to not let one opportunity to share Jesus go by. 

“I have come that they may have life, and life to the full.” John 10:10

With Love, Nan Mullis PC ‘22