Alpha Delta Pi

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The House That Built Me

Three years ago during my rush process, I lined up on the stairs of 112 Olympic Blvd not knowing what the Lord had in store for me. A few days later I ran home alongside PC ‘21 and have never looked back! 

I’m going on year two of not only having the privilege of living in the ADPI house but also taking care of it! I am blessed to be able to serve on exec as the Director of Facility Management which means I take care of 112 and all the house girls who live there. Through this position, I have gotten to help with the behind-the-scenes of everything regarding the house and even help make decisions alongside advisors on updates to the property! I never could have imagined how this house has truly become my home away from home and I hope that every girl who walks through the big front door experiences that feeling!

To give you an inside look at what living in the house is like, you will find our house girls and their friends spread out all over the house, cooking dinner together in the kitchen while debriefing their day, doing homework together in the sunroom, movie marathons in the living room, and late night sweet treat runs to Parker’s. Another amazing aspect of ADPI is the location of the house on Greek Row where you're surrounded by so many wonderful sororities!

Getting to live with 11 other girls is a one-of-a-kind experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life! It has provided me with amazing friendships, unforgettable memories, and endless laughter. My favorite part of living in ADPI has to be always coming home to a house full of girls to talk to about anything and everything. The house has given me the opportunity to connect with so many sisters as they pass through each day for different things. 

I will leave with the best piece of advice I received and that is to get involved! By getting involved in ADPI my college experience has been something I could have never dreamed of! 

With love, Maddie Gamblin PC ‘21