Alpha Delta Pi

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Advisor Appreciation!

Mrs. Jennifer has been nothing short of a blessing for me but also for this chapter! I am so thankful to have her as an advisor. She is a constant that I need in my position and she always knows what to say and when to say it. Mrs. Jennifer has taught me not only how to be a strong leader but also how to be confident in myself. There have been so many times when life can get you down, but it is reassuring to know that Mrs. Jennifer will be there to encourage me and make sure I’m in the right mindset! Besides sorority life, I look up to Mrs. Jennifer in all aspects! I am in school to become a teacher and Mrs. Jennifer is the principal of a school! She is someone I strive to be one day and I hope she knows that so many girls in this chapter look up to her as well! Epsilon Pi, and I, would not be the same if it wasn’t for Mrs. Jennifer! I will forever be thankful for her and I know I have someone to talk to for the rest of my life! You are the best!! 

- Emilee Robinson, President 

Becoming the Director of Philanthropy was all things exciting and rewarding although, at times I found myself overwhelmed because I had so many questions and ideas to begin my term. I wondered if my advisor would understand my ideas yet the stress I put things under and would help guide me in the right direction to fulfill my position as well as possible. When I found out Eastyn Durrence was my advisor she was an immediate answer to prayers. Not only was Eastyn a kind-hearted and helpful light in this chapter when she was active but she has been patient, excited, and willing to help or get the answer when I have any questions as my advisor. I could not imagine my first semester as Director of Philanthropy with anyone else but Eastyn because of the endless support and confidence she has given me throughout my events. I cannot thank God enough for joining our paths and for her influence on this chapter in many aspects. She truly is a positive leader whom Epsilon Pi is lucky to have for many years to come!

- Caroline Morgan, Director of Philanthropy  

I have been so thankful and honored to work with Mrs. Mia Sellers, our membership experience advisor, since being elected VPME in November. She has taught me so much in just one semester! Mrs. Mia took the initiative right off the bat and invited our whole membership experience team to dinner. From that one night, I could already tell how much I would enjoy working with her. She was so kind and witty and had many great plans for us! She is SO present for not only me but the whole chapter. She is always checking in on me and I know I can count on her no matter what. I think Mrs. Mia is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I am so thankful for that! She truly believes in me and never holds back what needs to be said! This has built my confidence and assurance of myself so much. Our whole team loves Mrs. Mia, her ideas, and her eagerness to be there for Epsilon Pi. Mrs. Mia is seriously the best, and I can’t wait to continue working with her for the next two years!

- Nan Mullis, Vice President of Membership Experience 

During my time in Adpi, Mrs. Lisa has made such an impact on my life and taught me things that will forever stick with me!! Mrs. Lisa represents every quality of an Adpi and has continued to share that legacy with this chapter over the years by being our recruitment advisor. working beside her during spirit and recruitment week made me see a whole new side of adpi and see how lucky I am to call myself an adpi!! she is incredibly dedicated to this chapter and treats every member of this chapter as her own. Mrs. Lisa helps lead this chapter with grace and class, and we would not be the chapter we are today without her!!

- Jenna Beck, Recruitment Analyst 2023

Joining exec was a new experience for me that brought excitement and worry. Ramsey made the transition so much easier by always being a quick call or text away! She has supported me through every situation that has come my way and always helped me find a solution. She has shown me what true dedication to one’s chapter looks like as she has always served Adpi since joining! I know that I have a role model and someone to call whenever I need anything! I’m so thankful for everything she does behind the scenes for me and the chapter!

- Maddie Gamblin, Director of Facility Management 

Mrs. Susan has been so supportive of me during my time as the VP of Finance! Her dedication in assisting me in overseeing the sorority's financial affairs has been consistent and invaluable. Mrs. Susan's commitment goes beyond just our chapter; she knows her stuff and has been vital in keeping us in line! Mrs. Susan, your support means so much to us, and I truly appreciate all you do!

- Natalie Dietter, Vice President of Finance 

Tayler has easily become one of my biggest supporters during my time as Vice President of Panhellenic Relations. From reassuring me that an idea is good, or giving me advice as a first-time executive board member, I am so appreciative and grateful for all that she does for me! Having an advisor like Tayler to be able to rely and lean on is perfect and I’m so excited for another semester with her!

- Grace Pham, Vice President of Panhellenic Relations

Epsilon Pi is so thankful to have all of these advisors and the dedication they consistently show to ensure that this chapter remains strong! We can’t wait to see how this chapter grows with the love and support of all of our advisors!

With love, Epsilon Pi Chapter