Alpha Delta Pi

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What are YOU waiting for?

Hello! My name is Breagh Mackinnon, and I am an upcoming sophomore in ADPi at Georgia Southern University!

I remember waiting outside of the Alpha Delta Pi house on the second day of icebreakers just trying to stay calm. My heart was beating out of my chest as I remembered my conversation with my mom from the night before. I had been frantically telling her that I had no clue how I was going to know what sorority God was calling me to. She had persisted in telling me that God already knew where I would end up and I didn’t need to feel anxious about anything.

As I began walking into the doors of Alpha Delta Pi, I saw a smiling face there to greet me and she told me her name was Megan. We got to talking about our lives and soon figured out that we had so much in common with each other. We were both dancers and loved preforming, and we were both involved in youth ministry in high school as well. Our conversation soon led to our relationship with God and how much he had done in our lives. I had lost a very close friend in high school, and my relationship with the lord guided me to a better place through that ministry.

Although it was just the first round of rush, I felt I should tell Megan about this, and the second I did, tears welled up in her eyes. Megan shared with me that she had a similar experience with her best friend during middle school as well. Our conversation ended with a hug and I instantly felt so connected to ADPi and Megan.

Walking out of the ADPi house that day, I truly felt God's presence and saw such an answered prayer! How was it possible that I had just talked to my mom the night before about how I was worried I wouldn’t know what sorority to choose and suddenly I was given such a clear answer? It was then that I just knew I would be running home to Alpha Delta Pi on that coming Sunday.

A few months later, I found myself anxiously waiting to find out who my big sister would be. As I stood in front of my big with a poster board covering her face, I prayed it would be who I thought it was. Sure enough, Megan pulled the poster board down and I ran into her arms! The feeling of waiting to find out who would be my big sister was super nerve-racking, but God truly had a plan the entire time!

When I look back on my rush experience and freshman year, I see my friendship with Megan as such a huge part of it all. She has continually been here for me through my best and worst days, and has helped to guide me through my transition into college.

Moments like waiting outside of a house during rush week or waiting to find out who your big is might seem scary, but if I could go back to these moments and tell myself there was nothing to be worried about I 100% would! College is filled with so many unknowns, and waiting for something to happen when you're not in control is hard. But God's plan for you is better than you could ever imagine.

Waiting for God's perfect timing is never a waste of time! God makes us wait for his plan because what he has in store for us is always perfectly planned out. I see now that God knew what he was doing all along and I truly had nothing to be scared of!

So what are YOU waiting for? Because I guarantee you, the Lord will lead you where you are meant to go and God’s already got this in His hands!