Alpha Delta Pi

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A President's Perspective

Epsilon Pi, where do I even begin? As I reflect from November 2022 to November 2023 no words really will ever begin to express my gratitude, and oftentimes I am left speechless. I know it may seem sappy, and many people may wonder why I am so passionate about my sorority, But when you love something and a place so much it all makes perfect sense. It confirms “my why ADPI”. 

“An ADPI is not something you become, it is something you have always been” has proven itself true. It is the most humbling experience to pour back into an organization that poured so much into me. My hope and prayer is that I have left this chapter better than I found it. I prayerfully focused on my platform during my presidency. I developed  "The 4 L’s” which represents loving, leading, listening, and learning. This platform and my faith were the firm foundations that guided me throughout this past year. 

This experience has allowed me to see a redefined passion and cultivated an understanding of pursuing and fulfilling my purpose the Lord intended. It has taught me so much about people, business,  while learning so much about myself personally and professionally.  There have been accomplishments, adversity, and failures. However, every moment has been so valuable. A wise and sweet friend of mine (shoutout Maia Mae) reminded and inspired me of how important every inch and moment in our measuring tape of life matters, because life is so short so make everything count. I strive to live in the obedience of God daily, but the Lord knows we all need to grace. Give grace freely because we all need endless grace. This has been the MOST rewarding experience.

I am thankful we are ADPIs for life because I never want this experience to end.  This is a bittersweet time. My membership has been nothing short of incredible these past 3.5 years, but this past year was something different, something special, something unforgettable. A journey of mountaintops and valleys. The most beautiful thing of it all is that it is a jog not a sprint. It is a process of growth. 

Today as I close one of the most life-changing and shape- shifting opportunities that I have had the greatest privilege and honor is to lead and serve as Epsilon Pi’s president. The endless events, chapter awards, sleepless nights and ongoing hours, days, weeks, and months of work have been completely worth it and SO MUCH  FUN!  I would not have it any other way. I have the joy of getting to know so many amazing people regionally, locally, and nationally. No one can convince me otherwise, sororities truly prepare you for the real world.One thing that will never compare is having the opportunities to share the light and love of Jesus. As I turn the page to end one chapter and to begin the next, I am humbled and grateful for God leading me to this amazing opportunity. I am thankful for where I am at and excited for where I am going. 

To my exec: 

Not only the best team and leaders, but some of my greatest friends that came with their listening ears, servants hearts, helping hands, encouraging words, and so many more inspiring acts of kindness. My backbone of support. This team is a force to be reckoned with in all the right ways.. The most charismatic group of leading ladies. They helped me become a better me and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I would not be who I am today without these nine women, and I could never be more thankful for your time, commitment, and energy you have devoted to this chapter, community, and campus this past year.

To my advisors: 

AKA my statesboro moms. They seriously are simply the best. Throughout my time spent in Epsilon Pi, I have seen their commitment of creating new opportunities, outpouring love, showing support, and cultivating a positive environment of leadership to every member past, present, and I know the future, and for the overall health of and betterment of our chapter. They serve selflessly while volunteering and sacrificing their time so willingly. They understand the panhellenic community, the benefits it brings women, and furthermore how to cultivate leadership abilities in these women. I can confidently say they have done each one of these in my own life. Thank you for instilling priceless virtues that will go far beyond just these four years. I am ultimately the leader I am today because of the grace and guidance they have led with. 

To my officers: 

Thank you for fulfilling your roles and responsibilities so gracefully while sharing your unique qualities and talents. I am so grateful for each of you and your hard work. It has been so amazing seeing all of the visions come to life after lots of strategizing, planning, and execution. We are truly better together and you have shown that teamwork makes the dreamwork!

To my seniors and Fall 20’ 

From freshman starting college in a national pandemic, to forming the most inseparable bonds and lifelong friendships, making unforgettable memories,to every moment in between, and now soaking every second of “lasts” as we approach graduating in a few months. I am thankful for your loyalty, love, and initiative. Let's make the most of every moment we have left! Trying to keep it short and sweet before I enter the waterworks. 

To my entire Epsilon Pi chapter:

Wow to my chapter, I can proudly say getting to intentionally know each of your (250 +)  beautiful hearts and unique personalities has truly been one of the most incredible experiences. I have truly valued the authentic love, special bond, and positive morale this sisterhood holds. It is a family, It is home. It is a place of belonging. Where I can confidently say I am unapologetically me. I love the authenticity and unconditional love that exists within and outside the “big white house on the end of row”  . I am so grateful for your endless love, encouragement, and support.. It would not be possible without YOU. So thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for your  constant devotion and love of self, service, scholarship, and sisterhood that you all have shined so brightly. Each of you understand Alpha Delta Pi as a whole, and truly live by our motto “We Live for Each Other”. The love I have for ADPI and GSU as a whole is unmatched but the love I have for you all who are in this very chapter is truly indescribable. Each one of your qualities, gifts, and character is what makes up the pure beauty of this sisterhood.I will always treasure conversations and cherish each compliment..thank you to each of you so much for such a memorable presidency. I am so excited to see what is in store for Epsilon Pi and each member in it. 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.- colossians 3:17 

Maya Angelou said  “People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel” I know that I will never forget each of you because the way I feel at this very moment is one that you can not describe but only experience. Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to lead you on this beautiful journey. I am so honored to call each of you my sisters and call this place home. The best is yet to come!

All my love, Maddie Milani Epsilon Pi President (2023)