Alpha Delta Pi

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Dear PNM

I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge planner. I love to know every detail of everything that is going to happen- like every detail. This was great an all in high school, but then the biggest unknown was ahead of me, college. I worried if I would fit in, would I like the school, would I even make friends? Many worries and fears that you might be feeling right now. After a summer of worrying about the unknown,  Adpi was the best unexpected thing I could have ever dreamt of. 

Moving in and starting recruitment week can be so overwhelming and a little scary, but I encourage you to be confident in who you are. When I walked into ADPI, it wasn’t about the clothes that I spent months preparing or the curls I spent an hour doing. In that moment, what really mattered to me was finding a place that felt like home. For me, that was Alpha Delta Pi. 

I’m not going to say every class you take is going to be easy or that you won’t get homesick the first semester, but I will say becoming an ADPi allowed me to find people that will be there when I need a laugh, a bible study group, or a study buddy. 

Looking back now, I’m so thankful I couldn’t have planned the last two years because they have been filled with more memories, friendships, and late night food runs than I would have ever imagined. 

So don’t live in the fear of the unknown, but live in the excitement for the many friendships, memories, and experiences that going Greek has to offer you! 

With love,

Mary Margaret Gilbert

Recruitment and Marketing Vice President