Alpha Delta Pi

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“I found my future bridesmaids, now you go find yours.”

Growing up a legacy of the Epsilon Pi chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, I would see my mom meet with a group of about 5 or 6 ladies about every month. One day I asked my mom who they were and why they only came around every so often and she said, “those are my sisters, we don’t all live in the same town, so it’s hard to keep in touch, but we share an amazing bond of sisterhood so we make a point to see each other whenever we can.”. I knew in that moment that I wanted to be a part of that.

Ashlyn Millians (Fall ‘18) & Monica Millians (Fall ‘90)

A few years later, my wish had come true and I was now a part of the same wonderful sisterhood as my mother. Coming in as a freshman I knew absolutely no one and I admit I was a little scared. On bid day, that all changed when I met my bid day buddy and eventually my big sister, Emily Alexander. I had never clicked with anyone as fast as I did with Emily. It was like I found my long lost sister. She introduced me to all of her friends and answered any question I may have had and by the end of bid day I knew I had found my life long friends.

Freshman year is very scary to say the least. I had never been that far away from my parents and the feeling of being all by myself so fast was a little overwhelming. The thing was though, I wasn't all by myself, I now had a support system of around 200 girls. I always had a sister to turn to if I wanted to go on a lunch date to destress or needed a study buddy or really anything I needed at all. So, if your thinking about rushing but are scared because you don’t know anyone, my advice to you would be go for it. The second you run home to your sorority, in the blink of an eye you have a team of girls behind you that are going to help you succeed not only through college but in life as well. I found my future bridesmaids, now you go find yours.

- Ashlyn Millians