Alpha Delta Pi

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Learning to Lead

2019 Epsilon Pi President Tayler Wickham + Executive Officers (Lelyn Stewart, Greer Kerns, Emma Stillwell, Sydney Starling, Anna Grace Pope, Mikay Sands, & Mary Margaret Gilbert)

This past semester was a complete whirlwind. In January I felt as though I had this enormous amount of weight pressed onto my shoulders all at once and that I was wayyyy in over my head. I never dreaded starting a semester so much. 

I had just began my role as President and I kept continually beating myself up, wondering why in the world I thought I could lead a chapter of 220+ amazing, beautiful, intelligent young women. 

Then it hit me. I wasn’t leading them alone. 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

This was the scripture I read before the very first day of my spring semester - and I realized then it was all going to be okay. 

Not only did I begin to realize I had my faith to lean on, I had a whole team of officers, an amazing executive board, and so many others to help guide me on my journey. I think back to a time right after reading this verse when someone asked me: “Why do you want to be President?” - my answer was simple then: “Why not?” 

If I could give one piece of advice to young women everywhere it would be straight from that verse. Do not be anxious, and do what you want to do. The only person who can limit you is yourself. 

I am forever in debt to Alpha Delta Pi for giving me the confidence I needed to be the best I can be.


Tayler Wickham (2019 Epsilon Pi President & Fall ‘16)