Alpha Delta Pi

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Freshman-Year Follow-Up

Natalie Christie (Fall ‘18)

From the start, I knew that I wanted to be apart of Greek Life. Coming to Georgia Southern was one of the scariest but best experiences. I had to leave my family and the majority of my friends 3 hours away, and the thought of making new friends was a terrifying one. Throughout rush week, I met some girls who helped me to not be as nervous throughout the week. Decision making was difficult, but someone told me to think about it like this- “If that was the last time you would walk into that sorority house, would you be okay with that?” That piece of advice helped me tremendously. Whenever I walked into the ADPi house for the first time, my heart was set on staying there. The girls there exhibited something that I did not realize I was missing. Every time I walked into those doors of ADPi, the Lord told me that is exactly where I needed to be.

Choosing ADPi as my new home turned my life around. There was no one in my PC who I knew very well, but I made some of my best friends in less than a week, who are actually close to my hometown (shoutout to Elizabeth, Jacie, Caroline, Destin, Anna, and Emily). Throughout initiation and homecoming week, I became so much closer with my PC as a whole, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have those girls! As you can imagine, the first semester ever of college is a lot of adjusting and just a tough time in general. My family went through a lot of troubles, and it was really hard to be so far away from home during it. Addison Smith guided me through everything and was always there for me. She taught me how to think about the positives, and without her, I have no idea how I would’ve handled it or gotten through it. Every girl here, in Epsilon Pi, has something different to offer. We are all different in our own ways, but we come together as a whole to make something great.

Greek Life isn’t just socials and date nights, it is way beyond that. The opportunities that ADPi and this chapter have to offer is truly what helps us all succeed and be the best version of ourselves. You are able to fully get involved in campus life and the community. We are encouraged to help other sororities and fraternities with their philanthropy by attending their events, and by doing this, I have met so many great friends and grown closer to my sisters. ADPi allows us to be more involved by having community service days, letting us help our philanthropy, the Ronald McDonald House, attending events on campus, and many other opportunities. Bible study is one of my favorite things that this chapter has to offer because you’re able to grow closer to God along with your sisters.

This sorority has already taught me so many valuable lessons and shaped me into who I want to be. Alpha Delt inspires me to always be my best and to always do what is best for me, and it has truly been one of my biggest blessings. I am so incredibly excited to show new members of ADPi how this sisterhood will change your life in the most positive way. Thank you, Alpha Delta Pi, for helping me find myself and my people.

-Natalie Christie (Fall ‘18)