Alpha Delta Pi

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Dear Kendyll + Anne Marie

I remember the summer before college like it was yesterday. I was nervous and excited all at once, totally unsure of what my college years were going to look like or who I would spend my time with. I spent hours praying for friends who would not only walk with me through our college years, but who would stand by my side for all of the following seasons of life. I prayed for friends that would just get me. 

Then, the Lord answered this prayer by giving me Kendyll Canning and Anne Marie Fuller - two girls that just get me! I knew I loved you both the second I met each of you, but I truly never knew that I could love y'all even more four years later. 

You are both so loyal, humble, and kind - the exact type of friends that everyone needs rooting for them in their corner. You have been my go-to girls for sisterhood events, socials, date nights, and all things ADPi and college. My favorite memories have you two in them! We have shared countless laughs, adventures, dreams, and prayers together. Y'all have encouraged me, loved me, and poured into me in ways I never knew girls my age could. Y'all truly make me better!!

As you both know, I have cried nearly every day leading up to your graduation. There have been plenty of sad tears, but my tears are mostly those filled with joy and pride - thankful for the gift of being your friend. I am speechless over the fact that the Lord gave me such incredible best friends. He promises immeasurably more, and you two are just that! Y'all are going to shine so bright in the adult world, and I simply cannot wait to see how you are going to change it!

While the future is never certain and we won't all three be in the same little town of Statesboro anymore, there is one thing I know will never change: the friendship I share with you two. I am excited for the coming seasons that we will get to share together - figuring out the adult world, road tripping to see each other's new homes, sharing engagements and weddings, raising families, and being silly old women. Y'all are never getting rid of me!! 

Here's to the best four years and a lifetime of memories to come!! Thanks for making my college years a season that I will cherish forever. Thanks for pushing me to walk the straight and narrow, even when it's hard. Thanks for the road trips, the goofy selfies, the ice cream runs, and all the love you two have given me. It's not going to be the same around here without my girls! I love y'all and wish you the best in this new season of life (but I'll be texting you every day to check in, of course). 

