Alpha Delta Pi

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Family Weekend ✮ Spring 2019

I think anyone could agree that time spent with your family is time well spent! That is

why I get so excited when I hear that it is time for a Family Weekend at the Alpha Delta Pi

house. That means that my family gets to come see this pretty little town of Statesboro and

learn more about my sisterhood that I have been blessed with.

This past Saturday, I brought my dad, little sister, and twin little brothers to the Low Country

Boil dinner at the Blue Room. It is always so fun to see how each of our families can hit it off

with each other so easily because of the things they have in common. It is really amazing to see

all of our families together in the same place getting to spend time with one other. I even found

out that mine and Maggie Dollar’s dad graduated from the same high school together after my

dad literally chased him down right when he laid eyes on him!

Funny story: my brothers have actually never had low country boil before. My brother

Blake, without anyone knowing, started to eat a shrimp. He tapped on my shoulder and said,

“This shrimp is crunchy.” He didn’t know he had to peel it before he ate it! So it’s safe to say they definitely

learned a lot that night.

These experiences and the time spent together just shows that being a member of

Alpha Delta Pi goes far beyond just being a member. It affects our families, our relationships and

friendships. It is so much more than a sorority.